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As part of our school improvement 和 accountability plans, the 长滩 Unified School District surveys parents, 和 students in grades 4-12 on a range of school climate indicators 那 have been found to predict positive student academic achievement. The indicators fall under four broad areas of focus: Teaching 和 Learning, Knowledge of Discipline/Rules/Norms, 安全, 和 Sense of Belonging.  

In addition to school culture 和 climate, we also assess the social-emotional learning of students.  Based on compelling research 和 our own experience as educators, social-emotional competencies like 自我管理 和 developing a positive growth mindset are an important complement to academic preparation in helping our students succeed in college, 职业生涯, 和生活. A national teacher survey conducted in 2013 shows 那 93% of teachers think it is very or fairly important for schools to promote the development of social-emotional competencies. 此外, 95% of teachers believe 那 these skills are teachable, 和 97% believe they will benefit students from all backgrounds.

Seven social-emotional competencies are included on the survey: growth mindset, 自我效能感, 自我管理, 社会意识, relationship skills, responsible decision-making, 和 self-awareness. These seven competencies were selected based on research about the importance, 可测性, 和 actionability of each competency.

学生 in grades four to twelve will be asked to self-report on a series of behaviors (e.g., coming to class prepared, following directions) 和 beliefs (e.g., whether it is more important to be talented or to put forth a lot of effort), 那, 综上所述, have been validated as indicators of social-emotional skills

核心 Student 调查

小学 核心的调查 Questions for

社会 和 Emotional Learning  和  文化 & 气候

Secondary 核心的调查 Questions for

社会 和 Emotional Learning  和  文化 & 气候

核心 Family Survey

Family 核心的调查 Questions